
RGEP (Revitalized General Education Program) Subjects

The Revitalized General Education Program (RGEP) of the University of the Philippines subsumes the old General Education Program (GEP). It adapted the objectives and framework of GEP but opened up more avenues for learning as it is based on the premise of freedom of choice and no prerequisites. The RGEP comprises a set of general education courses which are usually taken prior to specialization. The courses are spread out to three domains of knowledge for the students to acquire a healthy mix of knowledge and competencies that will better prepare them for the basic understanding of various ways of knowing. The liberal education thrust of general education is perceived to help mold the UP student to becoming a holistic person, a more independent, creative and critical thinker, a morally sound and intellectual individual of high integrity and well able to adapt to the fast changing pace of today's living.
Generally, the general education program has the following objectives:
  1. To broaden the student's intellectual and cultural horizons.
  2. To foster a commitment to nationalism balanced by a sense of internationalism.
  3. To cultivate a capacity for independent, critical & creative thinking.
  4. To infuse a passion for learning with high sense of moral and intellectual integrity.
Specifically, the program aims to enable the student:
  1. To acquire basic skills and competencies in mathematics, reasoning and communication.
  2. To develop an awareness, understanding and appreciation of the various disciplines of natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and philosophy.
  3. To develop the ability to integrate and/or adapt the knowledge and skills acquired from the various disciplines.
  1. Arts and Humanities - (AH)
  2. Mathematics, Science and Technology - (MST)
  3. Social Sciences and Philosophy - (SSP)
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